Participating in GSoC 2020

Hello all,

My name is Vinny Adjibi and I’m a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon University Africa. I’m interested in working on the Demos for Ignition knowledge base project during the summer. I’m currently taking a Cognitive Robotics class during which we have been working with ROS and will soon use CRAM simulators. I’m really looking forward to contributing to the code and allow many more people to quickly learn the basics of robot programming.

Please let me know how I can start helping now. Thanks

Hi @boladji,

Thank you for the interest in the project!

I’d recommend you go through some Ignition Gazebo tutorials to get familiar with the simulator.

If you’re eager to get your feet wet and have a feeling of how it would be to work on this project, you could try writing a new tutorial yourself. One idea would be to write a demo / tutorial similar to this one. It’s about spawning spheres in simulation by pressing a custom GUI button.

Some helpful resources:

The tutorial would go here.

