New Releases 2022-04-27 (Fortress, Citadel)


  • Fortress: Infrastructure for simulating custom comms systems, with 2 example systems: perfect comms and radio frequency comms.


  • Citadel / Fortess: Specify sanitizers using IGN_SANITIZERS CMake variable

  • Fortress: Gazebo added to Ubuntu’s desktop launcher

  • Fortress : IMU sensors now support any arbitrary reference frame, as well as presets like NED, ENU, etc.

  • Fortress: Odometry publisher now contains Gaussian noise, published as msgs::OdometryWithCovariance messages, and bridged to ROS


These are the minor and patch releases that came out since the previous post.

Ignition Gazebo 6.9.0


Full changelog

  1. Add new RFComms system
  2. Add comms infrastructure
  3. Fix CMake version examples and bump plugin version
  4. Make sure pose publisher creates valid pose topics
  5. Add Ubuntu Jammy CI
  6. Removed screenToPlane method and use rendering::screenToPlane
  7. Supply world frame orientation and heading to IMU sensor
  8. Add desktop entry and SVG logo
  9. Fix segfault at exit
  10. Add Gaussian noise to Odometry Publisher


Addisu Z. Taddese
Aditya Pande
Alejandro Hernández Cordero
Carlos Agüero
Ian Chen
Jose Luis Rivero
Louise Poubel
Steve Peters

Ignition Cmake 2.12.0 and 2.12.1


Full changelog

  1. Allow to recreate targets created by IgnPkgConfig
  2. Adding CONFIG option
  3. IgnFindOGRE2: support for the ogre-next package on Ubuntu Jammy
  4. Specify sanitizers using IGN_SANITIZERS CMake variable
  5. Replace deprecated PythonInterp with Python 3


Harsh Mahesheka
Jose Luis Rivero
Michel Hidalgo
Steve Peters

Ignition Rendering 6.3.1


Full changelog

  1. Revert OGRE-Next custom support and back to use IgnOGRE2 module


Jose Luis Rivero

“Hey roommate, wake up. New updates from Gazebo just dropped!” lol I looove those new updates!

BTW as for comms infrastructure, does this mean it can be used on two different machine?

Could you elaborate about what do you mean by using it on two different machines?

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Hey there!

I was asking if this can be done on two different machines. One will be using gazebo while other one will be using a different machine to communicate with each other. I guess like zmq, websocket, or any communication infrastructure.

I afraid I might have misunderstood this part.

Think about this communication infrastructure as the communication that happens between the robots within the simulator. Having said that, it’s totally possible to have the code that sends and receives data in a separate machine than the one running the simulation.

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