New Releases 2022-08-05 (Citadel & Fortress)


  • Fortress / Citadel: Teleop widget now also supports vertical movement


  • Fortress / Citadel: Plugin menu usable with keyboard: open with / hotkey and navigate with arrow keys :keyboard:

  • Fortress / Citadel: GUI snackbar element for standardized notifications

  • Fortress / Citadel: Several :new: math classes: Polynomial3, Region3, PiecewiseScalarField3, AdditivelySeparableScalarField3, Matrix6

  • Fortress: Support for kinematic loops with AttachFixedJoint method in physics.

  • Fortress / Citadel: Generic vector, pose and color widgets that make it easier to create custom GUI plugins with a consistent look and feel



These are the minor and patch releases that came out since the previous post.

Gazebo GUI 6.5.0 (Fortress)


Full changelog

  1. Teleop: Refactor and support vertical
  3. Ignition → Gazebo
  4. Allow Dialogs to have a MainWindow independent config
  5. Add common widget for Vector3
  6. Add common widget for Pose
  7. Add common widget for Color
  8. Example running a dialog before the main window
  9. Test fixes and improvements
  10. Bash completion for flags
  11. Shortcut to search and auto highlight search bar
  12. Search menu keyboard control
  13. User camera FOV control in SDF files
  14. Add config relative path environment variable
  15. Add repo specific issue templates
  16. Sort plugin list in alphabetical order (including when filtering)
  17. Set cameraPassCountPerGpuFlush to 6
  18. Avoid nullptr access in MinimalScene
  19. Fix some Qt warnings
  20. Use gz-rendering’s screenToScene functions
  21. Added Snackbar qtquick object
  22. Fix menu scrolling when a new plugin is added
  23. TransportSceneManager: Prevent freeze when inserted from menu
  24. Populate plugins that were empty
  25. Prevent MinimalScene :boom: if another scene is already loaded
  26. Improve KeyPublisher’s usability
  27. Removed unused code in MinimalScene plugin


Addisu Z. Taddese
Alejandro Hernández Cordero
Ian Chen
Jenn Nguyen
Jorge Perez
Louise Poubel
Mabel Zhang
Nate Koenig
Steve Peters

Gazebo GUI 3.10.0 and 3.11.0 (Citadel)


Full changelog

  1. Dialog read attribute fixes
  2. Fixed topic echo test
  3. Teleop: Refactor and support vertical
  5. Ignition → Gazebo
  6. Add common widget for vector3
  7. Allow Dialogs to have a MainWindow independent config
  8. Add common widget for pose
  9. Example running a dialog before the main window
  10. Common widget GzColor
  11. Fix ign_TEST
  12. Make display tests more robust
  13. Bash completion for flags
  14. Disable failing test on Citadel
  15. Search menu keyboard control
  16. Add config relative path environment variable
  17. Sort plugin list in alphabetical order (including when filtering)
  18. Added array to snackbar qml
  19. Fix some Qt warnings
  20. Added Snackbar qtquick object
  21. Fix menu scrolling when a new plugin is added
  22. Improve KeyPublisher’s usability
  23. Backport GridConfig improvements to Citadel’s Grid3D


Alejandro Hernández Cordero
Jenn Nguyen
Jorge Perez
Louise Poubel
Mabel Zhang
Nate Koenig

Gazebo Physics 5.2.0 (Fortress)


Full changelog

  1. DART: support non-tree kinematics in AttachFixedJoint
  2. Use SuppressWarning from gz-utils
  3. Make CONFIG a CMake pass-through option for DART
  4. Remove explicitly-defined copy constructor/operator
  5. Fix ExpectData compiler warnings
  6. Fix copying of ExpectData objects
  7. Add Ubuntu Jammy CI
  8. Fix Apache license version
  9. Add project() to examples


Addisu Z. Taddese
Ashton Larkin
Ian Chen
Jochen Sprickerhof
Louise Poubel
Mabel Zhang
Michael Carroll
Steve Peters

Gazebo Msgs 8.6.0 (Fortress)


Full changelog

  1. Increase Utility test coverage
  3. Add entity wrench message
  4. Ignition → Gazebo
  5. Add ACTOR and WORLD types to entity


Jenn Nguyen
Louise Poubel
Nate Koenig

Gazebo Msgs 5.10.0 (Citadel)


Full changelog

  1. Add entity wrench message
  2. Ignition → Gazebo
  3. Add ACTOR and WORLD types to entity
  4. Bash completion for flags
  5. Remove dead files
  7. Generator: Add missing std namespace to string arguments


Jenn Nguyen
Louise Poubel
Mabel Zhang
Silvio Traversaro

Gazebo CMake 2.13.0 & 2.14.0 (Citadel / Fortress)


Full changelog

  1. Add code coverage ignore file
  2. Backport GZ_DESIGNATION tick-tock
  3. Upload docs to an s3 bucket based only on the major version
  4. Exclude proto generated cpp in coverage test
  5. Add LTCG flag on Windows builds
  6. Update codeowners
  7. Update documentation to
  8. Improving CONFIG test


Ashton Larkin
Harsh Mahesheka
Jenn Nguyen
Jose Luis Rivero
Nate Koenig
Steve Peters

Gazebo Math 6.12.0 (Citadel / Fortress)


Full changelog

  1. Added Helper function isTimeString to Python
  2. Ignition → Gazebo
  3. Added *.pyc to .gitignore
  4. Alphabetize examples
  5. Add PiecewiseScalarField3 class
  6. Add AdditivelySeparableScalarField3 class
  7. Add Polynomial3 class
  8. Add Region3 class
  9. Add Interval class
  10. Add Matrix6 class
  11. Backport newest appendToStream functions
  12. Use pytest to generate junit xml files for python tests
  13. Add Aditya as codeowner


Aditya Pande
Alejandro Hernández Cordero
Jenn Nguyen
Louise Poubel
Michel Hidalgo
Nate Koenig

Gazebo Transport 8.3.0 (Citadel)


Full changelog

  1. Ignition → Gazebo
  2. Bash completion for flags
  3. Focal CI: static checkers, doxygen linters, compiler warnings
  4. Remove no username error messages
  5. Documented the default value of GZ_PARTITION
  6. Remove static on registrationCb and unregistrationCb.


Alexander Graber-Tilton
Hill Ma
Jenn Nguyen
Louise Poubel
Mabel Zhang
Martin Pecka
Michael Carroll
Nate Koenig
Steve Peters

1 Like

Could you please elaborate a bit more about the closed kinematic chains support? I see you can now define them in code, although the added test does not check a real loop, it rather tests a multi-parent model. Is it already possible to define closed chains in SDF, or is that not yet supported?