New Ignition releases 2022-03-01 (Citadel, Edifice, Fortress)


  • Citadel / Edifice / Fortress: All Ignition Math classes can now be used in Python scripts! See the tutorial to get started!

    from ignition.math import DiffDriveOdometry, PID, MassMatrix3d, SphericalCoordinates, Kmeans, etc!

  • Fortress: Support for waves on Ignition Rendering


  • Fortress: Trajectory follower plugin on Gazebo. The trajectory is performed by applying forces and torques to a link.


  • Fortress: Elevator plugin that accepts commands through Ignition Transport


  • Fortress: Support for visual plugins on Gazebo’s GUI, and a shader param plugin


  • Fortress: Support for barrel and pincushion camera distortions


These are the minor and patch releases that came out since the previous post.

Ignition CMake 2.11.0 (Citadel, Edifice, Fortress)


Full changelog

  1. Set source path to be used by common::testing
  2. Add examples using static libraries


Michael Carroll
Steve Peters

Ignition Math 6.10.0 (Citadel, Edifice, Fortress)


Full changelog

  1. Documentation updates
    1. Small fixes in doxygen
    2. Document that Euler angles should be in radians for quaternion constructor
    3. Internal URL fixed (paragraph 266)
    4. Added tutorials for vector, angle, triangle and rotation
  2. Examples
    1. kmeans example in C++ and Python
    2. Add example and modify documentation for class Color
    3. quaternion_from_euler example: input degrees
  3. Use const instead of constexpr in Ellipsoid constructor
  4. Fix Focal on Jenkins
  5. Fix Color::HSV() incorrect hue output
  6. Fix windows warnings in Vector2, 3 and 4
  7. AxisAlignedBox: deprecate unimplemented methods
  8. Python interfaces
    1. Refactor finding pybind11
    2. Move SWIG interfaces from Python to Ruby
    3. Modified CMake target name for Ruby interfaces
    4. Added Python Getting started tutorial
    5. Added pybind11 interfaces for various classes
      1. Angle
      2. AxisAlignedBox
      3. Box
      4. Color
      5. Cylinder
      6. DiffDriveOdometry (with examples)
      7. Filter
      8. Frustum
      9. GaussMarkovProcess (with examples)
      10. Helpers
      11. Inertial
      12. Kmeans
      13. Line2
      14. Line3
      15. MassMatrix3
      16. Material
      17. Matrix3
      18. Matrix4
      19. MovingWindowFilter
      20. OrientedBox
      21. PID
      22. Plane
      23. Pose3
      24. Quaternion
      25. Rand (with examples)
      26. RollingMean
      27. RotationSpline
      28. SemanticVersion
      29. SignalStats
      30. Sphere
      31. SphericalCoordinates
      32. Spline
      33. StopWatch
      34. Temperature
      35. Triangle
      36. Triangle3
      37. Vector2, Vector3 and Vector4
      38. Vector3Stats


Alejandro Hernández Cordero
Ashton Larkin
Darío Hereñú
Louise Poubel
Steve Peters

Ignition Utils 1.2.0 and 1.3.0 (Edifice, Fortress)


Full changelog

  1. Fix inline namespace issue with clang6
  2. Move ExtraTestMacros from ign-cmake
  3. Enable cpplint on Focal
  4. Add NeverDestroyed utility class
  5. Move environment functionality to utils
  6. ImplPtr Get method


Addisu Z. Taddese
Louise Poubel
Michael Carroll
Nate Koenig

Ignition GUI 5.4.0 (Edifice)


Full changelog

  1. Improve inserting WorldControl and WorldStats from menu
  2. Added a button that allows shutting down both the client and server.
  3. Prevent Scene3D :boom: if another scene is already loaded
  4. Add project() to examples and remove hard-dependency on Ogre1
  5. Fix codecheck
  6. Use qmldir to define QML module with IgnSpinBox
  7. Fix TopicEcho plugin message display
  8. Don’t crash if a plugin has invalid QML
  9. Added log storing for ign-gui


Jenn Nguyen
Louise Poubel
Martin Pecka
Nikhil Nair
Rhys Mainwaring

Ignition GUI 6.4.0 (Fortress)


Full changelog

  1. Improve inserting WorldControl and WorldStats from menu
  2. Added a button that allows shutting down both the client and server.
  3. Prevent Scene3D :boom: if another scene is already loaded
  4. Add project() to examples and remove hard-dependency on Ogre1


Jenn Nguyen
Louise Poubel
Martin Pecka

Ignition Rendering 6.2.0 and 6.2.1 (Fortress)


Full changelog

  1. Restore format conversion in Ogre2RenderTarget::Copy
  2. Increase particle emitter quota
  3. Fix missing terrain shadows casted on objects
  4. Add waves
  5. Fix crash when hovering the cursor in heightmap.sdf
  6. Fix material switching for objects using shaders (ogre2)
  7. [Metal] Fix depth camera
  8. Bind shader uniforms to constants from ogre
  9. Silence CMake policy CMP0072
  10. Fix various issues with Ogre2GpuRays
  11. Fix Ogre2ThermalCamera using garbage depth data
  12. Performance optimization by avoiding unnecessary passes
  13. Support using custom shader materials and updating uniform variables (ogre2)
  14. Port Camera Distortion effect from gazebo11
  15. Fix sky background in RGBD camera
  16. RenderOrder is in different scale in Reverse Z


Ian Chen
Jose Luis Rivero
Louise Poubel
Matias N. Goldberg
Rhys Mainwaring
Steve Peters
William Lew

Ignition Gazebo 6.5.0 and 6.6.0 (Fortress)


Full changelog

  1. Fix accessing empty JointPosition component in lift drag plugin
  2. Support disabling pose publisher from publishing top level model pose
  3. Added more sensor properties to scene/info topic
  4. Buoyancy: logs a warning if a mode is not clearly specified.
  5. JointStatePublisher publish parent, child and axis data
  6. Fixed light GUI component inspector
  7. Fix UNIT_SdfGenerator_TEST
  8. Add elevator system
  9. Removed unused variables in shapes plugin
  10. New trajectory follower system
  11. Extend ShaderParam system to support textures
  12. Adds a Link::SetLinearVelocity() method
  13. Fix weird indentation in Link.hh
  14. Limit thruster system’s input thrust cmd
  15. Load and run visual plugin (system) on GUI side
  16. Log an error if JointPositionController cannot find the joint
  17. Update source install instructions
  18. Document the <topic> option for JointPositionController.
  19. Fix typo in EntityComponentManager
  20. Buoyancy: fix center of volume’s reference frame
  21. Fix graded buoyancy problems
  22. Add surface to buoyancy engine
  23. Remove EachNew calls from sensor PreUpdates
  24. Prevent GzScene3D :boom: if another scene is already loaded
  25. Fix various typos on API documentation
  26. Optional orientation when spawning entity using spherical coordinates
  27. Cleanup update call for non-rendering sensors
  28. Documentation Error
  29. Min and max parameters for velocity, acceleration, and jerk apply to linear and angular separately.
  30. Add project() call to examples
  31. Implement /server_control::stop


Alejandro Hernández Cordero
Arjo Chakravarty
Carlos Agüero
Harsh Mahesheka
Ian Chen
Jose Luis Rivero
Louise Poubel
Martin Pecka
Michael Carroll
Nate Koenig
Nick Lamprianidis
Sicong (Anson) Wang
Tomoya Fujita