New Ignition releases 2022-01-24 (Citadel, Edifice, Fortress)


  • NavSat / GPS sensors landed on Gazebo
  • More Link APIs:
    • WorldAngularAcceleration
    • AddWorldForce with a position offset
  • Configure lights via Ignition Transport topic (besides services), i.e.
    • ign topic -t /world/default/light_config -m Light -p "name: 'pointlight', diffuse: {r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0}, specular: {r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0}"
  • 16 bit heightmaps
  • Console writes are now synchronized, so messages never end up interleaved
    ignmsg << "That's so much better!" << std::endl;
    ignlog << "Agreed!" << std::endl;
  • Exit dialogs can be configured with custom messages and buttons that close only server / GUI.


These are the minor and patch releases that came out since the previous post.

Ignition Gazebo 6.4.0 (Fortress)


Full changelog

  1. Get angular acceleration with the Link class
  2. Add world force at an offset from the Link class
  3. Add NavSat sensor (GPS)
  4. Light commands via topic
  5. Support battery draining start via topics
  6. Add visibility to ModelEditorAddEntity to fix Windows
  7. Make tests run as fast as possible
  8. Fix visualize lidar
  9. Disable user commands light test on macOS
  10. Skip failing Windows tests


Addisu Z. Taddese
Alejandro Hernández Cordero
Carlos Agüero
Ian Chen
Jorge Perez
Jose Luis Rivero
Louise Poubel
Nate Koenig
William Lew

Ignition Common 4.5.0 (Edifice, Fortress)


Full changelog

  1. Fixed crash when a Collada file has an empty normal vector
  2. Support 16 bit heightmaps
  3. Fix bug in URIPath assignment operator
  4. Use libexec to install binary remotery_vis
  5. Normalize normal vectors from OBJ.
  6. Synchronize console writes
  7. Added method to remove meshes from the MeshManager
  8. Fixed macOS symbol in common::Profiler
  9. Fix skip logic for integration tests
  10. Use direct evaluation for SKIP_av.


Alejandro Hernández Cordero
Hill Ma
Jose Luis Rivero
Louise Poubel
Michael Carroll
Steve Peters
Vatan Aksoy Tezer

Ignition GUI 3.9.0 (Citadel)


Full changelog

  1. Added a button that allows shutting down both the client and server.
    Exit dialog can be configured.
  2. Prevent Scene3D :boom: if another scene is already loaded
  3. Add project() to examples and remove hard-dependency on Ogre1
  4. Fix codecheck
  5. Use qmldir to define QML module with IgnSpinBox
  6. Fix TopicEcho plugin message display
  7. Don’t crash if a plugin has invalid QML
  8. Added log storing for ign gui CLI


Jenn Nguyen
Louise Poubel
Martin Pecka
Nikhil Nair
Rhys Mainwaring