New Ignition releases 2022-04-13 (Fortress, Edifice)


  • Final releases for Edifice’s EOL: 🏁 Ignition Edifice officially end-of-life

  • Edifice / Fortress: New Model Photo Shoot system


  • Edifice / Fortress: Toggle lights and their gizmo visuals


  • Fortress: New “triggered cameras” can take photos on demand instead of continuous videos

  • Fortress: IMU sensors now support any arbitrary reference frame, as well as presets like NED, ENU, etc.

  • Fortress: Sensors can be enabled / disabled at runtime. This is integrated with the battery so they’re shut down when there’s no more power.

  • Fortress: Options to print SDF poses in degrees and snap to common angles

      ign sdf -p test.sdf --degrees
      # <pose degrees='true' rotation_format='euler_rpy'>1 2 3   30.009 45.009 60.009</pose>
      ign sdf -p test.sdf --snap-to-degrees 5
      # <pose degrees='true' rotation_format='euler_rpy'>1 2 3   30 45 60</pose>
  • Edifice: GUI snackbar element for standardized notifications

  • Edifice / Fortress: Interactive control of wheel slip parameters


These are the minor and patch releases that came out since the previous post.

Ignition Gazebo 6.8.0 (Fortress)


Full changelog

  1. ServerConfig accepts an sdf::Root DOM object
  2. Disable sensors in sensors system when battery is drained
  3. Referring to Fuel assets within a heightmap
  4. Add the Model Photo Shoot system, port of Modelpropshop plugin from Gazebo classic
  5. Distortion camera integration test
  6. Add wheel slip user command
  7. SceneBroadcaster: only send changed state information for change events
  8. Fortress: Install Ogre 2.2, simplify docker
  9. Disable tests that are expected to fail on Windows
  10. Added user command to set multiple entities’ poses at once
  11. Fix JointStatePublisher topic name for nested models
  12. add initial_position parameter to joint controller system
  13. Component inspector: refactor Pose3d C++ code into a separate class
  14. Prevent hanging when world has only non-world plugins
  15. Toggle Light visuals
  16. Disable PeerTracker.PeerTrackerStale on macOS
  17. Disable ModelCommandAPI_TEST.RgbdCameraSensor on macOS
  18. Don’t mark entities with a ComponentState::NoChange component as modified
  19. Add gazebo Entity id to rendering sensor’s user data
  20. Allow to turn on/off lights
  21. Added headless rendering tutorial
  22. Add xyz and rpy offset to published odometry pose
  23. Fix visualization python tutorial
  24. Populate GUI plugins that are empty


Addisu Z. Taddese
Aditya Pande
Alejandro Hernández Cordero
Ashton Larkin
Ian Chen
Ivan Santiago Paunovic
Jose Luis Rivero
Louise Poubel
Marco A. Gutiérrez
Nate Koenig
William Lew

Ignition Sensors 6.2.0 and 6.3.0 (Fortress)


Full changelog

  1. IMU custom_rpy parent_frame should be set to ‘world’
  2. Triggered Camera
  3. Check if noise or distortion render pass is null
  4. Distortion Camera Sensor
  5. Add Ubuntu Jammy CI
  6. Add function for enabling / disabling a sensor
  7. IMU sensor API to get world ref frame and heading offset
  8. Use pose multiplication instead of addition
  9. Enable cpplint check in github actions CI
  10. Conform to ros format for header field frame_id of sensor msgs
  11. Fix compiler warnings (CMP0072 and copy elision)


Aditya Pande
Alejandro Hernández Cordero
Ian Chen
Louise Poubel
Steve Peters
William Lew

SDFormat 12.4.0 (Fortress)


Full changelog

  1. Use ParserConfig more in
  2. Added option to visualize light in GUI
  3. Make computeMergedModelProxyFrameName public
  4. SDFormat to USD conversion
  5. Add ToElement conversions for various classes
  6. Fix compiler warnings
  7. Infrastructure and Documentation
  8. Use the Plugin DOM in other DOM objects
  9. Add SDFormat tags for Triggered Cameras
  10. Fix bug where //include/pose was ignored when using the Interface API
  11. Fix joint parent/child frame existence checks to include interface elements
  12. Added non-const mutable accessors for world child objects
  13. Added non-const accessors for Model child objects
  14. Added non-const accessors for Link child objects
  15. Added to light if the light is on or off
  16. Added Root mutable accessors, and Root::Clone function
  17. Add support for merge-include in the Interface API
  18. Handle __model__ in joint parent or child when using merge-include
  19. Allow model frames (__model__) to be used as joint parent or child
  20. Fix bug where a sdf::ParserConfig object was not passed to all sdf::readFile calls
  21. Add ParserConfig flag for preserveFixedJoint
  22. Fix parsing ‘type’ attibutes in plugins
  23. sdf_custom: fix nested model expectations
  24. Replace custom cmake code with ign-cmake2
  25. Support printing sdf poses in degrees and allow snapping to commonly used angles
  26. Refactor
  27. Fix loading nested include with custom attributes
  28. Added plugin to SDF DOM
  29. Support URI in the Model DOM
  30. Support adding and clearing sensors from a joint
  31. PrintConfig option to preserve includes when converting to string


Aaron Chong
Addisu Z. Taddese
Alejandro Hernández Cordero
Ashton Larkin
Ian Chen
Jenn Nguyen
Louise Poubel
Nate Koenig
Sebastian Wallkötter
Steve Peters
Teo Koon Peng
Varun Agrawal
William Lew

Ignition Msgs 8.4.0 (Fortress)


Full changelog

  1. Add Dataframe msg


Carlos Agüero

Ignition Utils 1.4.0 (Edifice, Fortress)


Full changelog

  1. Enable cpplint
  2. Add doxygen linters
  3. Custom Ignition CLI11 formatter
  4. Drop all main functions from gtest files
  5. Improvements to enable “-Wconversion”


Louise Poubel
Michael Carroll
Steve Peters

Ignition Gazebo 5.4.0 (Edifice)


Full changelog

  1. Add the Model Photo Shoot system, port of Modelpropshop plugin from Gazebo classic
  2. Add wheel slip user command
  3. Added user command to set multiple entity poses
  4. Component inspector: refactor Pose3d C++ code into a separate class
  5. Toggle Light visuals
  6. Allow to turn on/off lights
  7. Added more sensor properties to scene/info topic
  8. JointStatePublisher publish parent, child and axis data
  9. Fixed light GUI component inspector
  10. Fix UNIT_SdfGenerator_TEST
  11. Add elevator system
  12. Removed unused variables in shapes plugin
  13. Log an error if JointPositionController cannot find the joint. (citadel retarget)
  14. Buoyancy: fix center of volume’s reference frame
  15. Remove EachNew calls from sensor PreUpdates
  16. Prevent GzScene3D :boom: if another scene is already loaded
  17. Cleanup update call for non-rendering sensors
  18. Documentation Error
  19. Min and max parameters for velocity, acceleration, and jerk apply to linear and angular separately.
  20. Add project() call to examples
  21. Implement /server_control::stop
  22. :woman_farmer: Make depth camera tests more robust (#897)
  23. Support battery draining start via topics
  24. Make tests run as fast as possible
  25. Fix visualize lidar
  26. Skip failing Windows tests
  27. Configurable joint state publisher’s topic
  28. Thruster plugin: add tests and velocity control
  29. Limit thruster system’s input thrust cmd


Addisu Z. Taddese
Alejandro Hernández Cordero
Arjo Chakravarty
Harsh Mahesheka
Ian Chen
Ivan Santiago Paunovic
Jasmeet Singh
Jorge Perez
Louise Poubel
Marco A. Gutiérrez
Martin Pecka
Michael Carroll
Nate Koenig
Nick Lamprianidis

Ignition Gui 5.5.0 (Edifice)


Full changelog

  1. Fix some Qt warnings
  2. Added Snackbar QtQuick object
  3. Fix menu scrolling when a new plugin is added
  4. Improve KeyPublisher's usability
  5. Backport GridConfig improvements to Grid3D


Alejandro Hernández Cordero
Louise Poubel


omg…those updates ESPECIALLY initial_position and docker

Thank you, Gazebo team! Sooo excited for it!

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