Which Plugin Should I Add for External Pose Control in Ignition Gazebo Fortress with ROS 2 Humble?

Hello everyone,

I’m currently using ROS 2 Humble with Ignition Gazebo Fortress. I have a simple model (a box) that I spawned using an SDF file. My goal is to update the model’s pose externally (for example, to make it move in a circular path) by calling a ROS service.

However, I’m unable to find a service (such as ‘/world/empty/model/modify’ or ‘/world/empty/set_pose’) that allows me to modify the model’s pose. It seems that my model isn’t exposing any such service.

I suspect that I need to add a plugin in the SDF file to enable external pose modification. Could someone please recommend which plugin I should use for this purpose and provide guidance or an example of how to configure it in the SDF file?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you.

Please use the robotics stackoverflow for these kind of questions https://robotics.stackexchange.com/. When creating the question there please include the steps or instructions that you are using and how to reproduce the problem. Thanks!

I’m running into a similar issue than @rajansingh when trying to migrate a project from Gazebo Classic to Gazebo Harmonic. I already opened a question on the robotics StackExchange here: ros2 - ROS 2 call /world/default/set_pose Gazebo service - Robotics Stack Exchange.

In the issue I mention that there is already a PR that might solve this but it’s now open since around 1.5 years and therefore I’m also wondering if there is already a way to do this in the newer Gazebo