Good afternoon to everyone. I have the following problem:
I’m running a simulation with one turtlebot that is able to move simple objects in a rectangular arena. Both the arena and the objects are defined in sdf format.
This is the code for the objects:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<sdf version="1.9">
<model name ="object">
<link name="link_object">
<visual name="visual_object">
<diffuse>1 1 0 1</diffuse>
<collision name="collision_object">
And this is the code to build the arena:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<sdf version="1.9">
<world name="arena">
<ambient>1 1 1 1</ambient>
<physics type="ode">
<plugin file_name="" name="ignition::gazebo::systems::Contact"/>
<plugin file_name="" name="ignition::gazebo::systems::Sensors">
<plugin name='ignition::gazebo::systems::Physics' filename=''/>
<plugin name='ignition::gazebo::systems::UserCommands' filename=''/>
<plugin name='ignition::gazebo::systems::SceneBroadcaster' filename=''/>
<plugin filename="" name="ignition::gazebo::systems::Contact"></plugin>
<plugin filename="" name="ignition::gazebo::systems::Sensors">
<light type="point" name="point_light1">
<pose>0 -0.6 1.5 0 0 0</pose>
<diffuse>1 1 0 1</diffuse>
<specular>.1 .1 .1 1</specular>
<light type="point" name="point_light2">
<pose>1.5 -0.6 1.5 0 0 0</pose>
<diffuse>1 1 0 1</diffuse>
<specular>.1 .1 .1 1</specular>
<light type="point" name="point_light3">
<pose>-1.5 -0.6 1.5 0 0 0</pose>
<diffuse>1 1 0 1</diffuse>
<specular>.1 .1 .1 1</specular>
<model name="objects">
<!-- include objects-->
<pose>0.4 0.1 1 0 0 0</pose>
<pose>-0.4 0.8 1 0 0 0</pose>
<pose>1.3 0.8 1 0 0 0</pose>
<pose>-1.3 0.8 1 0 0 0</pose>
<plugin filename="libignition-gazebo-pose-publisher-system" name="ignition::gazebo::systems::PosePublisher">
The problem that I’m facing is that when I try to push an object with the turtlbot the pose on the corresponding topic is updated with the right value only for the objects 2,3,4. If I move the object 1 the values of all the other objects are being updated, except the pose for the object 1.
I think there must be a problem on the PosePublisher plugin but I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong.
Thanks in advance for your help.