I have been looking into a web client for Gazebo and found on the feature comparison that currently there is no support for such a feature. However, Classic Gazebo supported a web GUI with the GzWeb project.
Is there currently a development effort to release a web client for the latest Gazebo version? or are there no plans to release such a feature?
I wonder if that is because it needs to count as physics plugin include so it can be marked as available? Right now, it’s just like a model viewer without anything else
I installed the beta npm package, but couldn’t find out the classic gzweb equivalent to starting a stand alone client process to host a web server to point my browser to the local host and port to visualize a world loaded by a headless gz sim process running on the same local machine. I skimmed the other repos in the same GitHub org, but I not interested in the larger cloud hosting web front end, as I’m not using AWS, just running from a local container. Is there a npm start command or binary PATH specific for the gzweb2 branch?
The webserver code is in the https://github.com/gazebosim/gz-launch. Here is an example launch file: https://github.com/gazebosim/gz-launch/blob/gz-launch6/examples/websocket.gzlaunch. So, you’d have to start Gazebo simulation, and also launch the websocket server.
I see, so there is a websocket server to bridge the simulation server and the web GUI client together, but then how is the web GUI client it self launched? Where is the executable that then connects to that websocket server and could serve up the web UI to a browser, e.g. over localhost?
Sorry, I’m launching a websocket along with a simple simulation (shapes.sdf) but it is only available form localhost:9002 do you know how can I change this to make it available to my local network?