Gazebo PMC Meeting Minutes 2025-02-10

Hi Gazebo Community!

This week’s meeting was held on 2025-02-10T19:00:00Z and the following is a summary:

  • Progress updates:
    • Qt6 migration: PRs to SplitView and SpinBox QML module to QtQuick.Controls 2 have been merged. Next step is to actually change to Qt6 and fix the remaining compatibility issues.
    • Got updates on ongoing work to split Windows CI agents into GPU and non-GPU agents so that libraries that do not require GPUs can run on cheaper (and more readily available) AWS instances.
    • Zenoh<->gz-transport prototype: The prototype now has Zenoh on both the publisher and subscriber sides :tada:. The prototype currently bypasses checks to see if there are any subscribers since Zenoh doesn’t provide that information. Next step is to implement a minimal graph cache so as to provide that information and remove the workaround.
  • New agenda items:
    • Discussion on what to do about frame_id and the recently deprecated/removed optical_frame_id tags in rendering sensors (issue). The proposal is to make no changes in gz-sensors, but instead, extend ros_gz so that it publishes Image and CameraInfo messages with the correct ROS frame convention (see comment).
    • Discussion on: Proposal: Deprecate and archive gz-launch · Issue #288 · gazebosim/gz-launch · GitHub. There was agreement to deprecate gz-launch and some discussion on whether the websocket server should be moved to gz-sim or gz-transport. The agreed upon plan is to:
      1. Migrate the websocket functionality into gz-sim for Jetty
      2. Document how plugins can be loaded at runtime via a service call which is already available in gz-sim.

As always, the meeting notes are available at meeting notes are :classical_building: New Gazebo weekly agenda - Google Docs.

Note: that there will not be a meeting on 2025-02-17T00:00:00Z.

The next Gazebo PMC meeting will be on 2025-02-24T19:00:00Z (See Open Source Robotics Foundation official events)

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