Open Robotics Infrastructure Community Office Hours: All things Colcon 2022-09-26

This is a cross-post from the same announcement on ROS Discourse.

This summer, the Infrastructure team at Open Robotics which maintains and develops the software infrastructure used by the Gazebo and ROS communities has started hosting community office hours in order to have detailed discussions with active community members. Please join us next week if you are interested and able.

It has taken a while to get everyone back from Summer vacations and other activities but it’s finally time for the Open Robotics Infrastructure team to host our next Community Office Hours event one week from today!

For our first event we did not select a theme but this time we’d like to try to answer questions specifically about the colcon build tool and extensions. Other submissions will be considered if there is additional time but submissions regarding colcon willl be given priority.

Please submit your questions or discussion topics about ROS or Gazebo Infrastructure using this form.

Submissions must be links to questions which are already on Gazebo Answers, ROS Answers , or in Infrastructure-related repositories on We want to know if you’re planning to attend so we can prioritize submissions based on attendance but you are not required to attend for us to try and answer your questions, time permitting.

Meeting details

:clock3: Date: 2022-09-26T15:30:00Z

:desktop_computer: Place: Virtual at Google Meet

:calendar: Event: ROS events calendar

:spiral_notepad: Agenda: Answering your questions about colcon! Submit questions via this form.

:video_camera: This meeting will be recorded and we’ll make the recording available after the event.

We hope to see you there!

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