Hi Gazebo Community!
As you know, the Gazebo Project Management Committee has started holding regular public meetings. While anyone is welcome to attend these meetings and the meeting notes are publicly available, we thought it would helpful to the community to share a summary of the meeting each week, so we’ll do that going forward starting with this week.
This week’s meeting was held on 2024-12-16T19:00:00Z and the following is a summary.
This week:
- We selected a Gazebo project representative for Technical Governance Committe of the OSRA
- Decided to skip the next two meetings due to the holidays
- Had a discussion about the Jetty Roadmap. The discussion mainly focused on creating a process for non-core developers to contribute medium to large projects that they’re planning to work on to the Gazebo roadmap.
- Got a request for feedback on [Proposal] Improve `action-gz-ci` for better maintainability and developer experience · Issue #80 · gazebo-tooling/action-gz-ci · GitHub
- Got progress updates on:
- Garden and Citadel EOLs
- Auto inertia calculation based on input mass in SDFormat (Resolve auto inertia based on input mass by iche033 · Pull Request #1513 · gazebosim/sdformat · GitHub)
- Tick-tocks on
branches - Refactor of ros_gz examples
- Conda for windows
- The last release of Gazebo11 (Gazebo-Classic) getting imported into the ROS buildfarm
The next Gazebo PMC meeting will be on 2025-01-06T19:00:00Z (See Open Source Robotics Foundation official events)