Community meeting: Migration of Stretch robot to Gazebo Sim Harmonic

Hello community,

Happy new year! Our next topic is a contribution to migrate the Stretch robot into Gazebo Harmonic :robot:.

“As we enter 2025, passing the EOL of Gazebo Classic, a new simulation for the Stretch robot (developed by Hello Robot Inc.) is needed. In 2021, PickNik Robotics migrated the robot into Ignition Gazebo. However, since the migration of the robot into Ignition Gazebo, significant differences have been made in newer versions of the simulator. Within this presentation, Cardiff Computational Robotics Team (CUCR) would like to present the latest migration of the Stretch robot tested for Gazebo Sim Harmonic. We will provide a deeper explanation of how it differs from previous open-source migrations into ROS2, examples of how to utilize the robot in simulation and a list of possible projects to do with this simulator.”

Here’s the agenda:

  1. Latest news from Open Robotics about Gazebo - Addisu Taddese, Open Robotics
  2. Migration of Stretch robot to Gazebo Sim Harmonic - Samuel Millan-Norman, Cardiff Computational Robotics Team

Optional: Lighting talks

We opened a slot for short (2 minutes) lighting presentations. If you’re interested in talking about your maritime project contact me (caguero AT openrobotics DOT org) and I’ll book your slot.

Meeting details

:clock3: Date: 2025-01-29T17:00:00Z
:desktop_computer: Place: Virtual at Google Meet
:calendar: Event: Calendar event
:mag_right: Topic: Gazebo migration
:spiral_notepad: Agenda: Everyone is welcome to add items to the agenda .

As always, the meeting will be recorded and posted to the community meetings playlist on the GazeboSim YouTube channel. Check out the playlist for past meetings!

Be sure to subscribe to the Gazebo community calendar to receive invitations to the meeting every month.

See you there!

The Gazebo Dev Team

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This is the correct Google Meet link:

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