Community meeting: Harmonic (September 2023)

The summer is ending but not the Gazebo development! The next version of Gazebo (8th), Harmonic, will be released at the end of this month. We’ll make a presentation including some demos about the latest features in Gazebo Harmonic.

Here’s a taste of some of the news in Harmonic:

  • Wide angle cameras for Ogre2
  • List subscribers and their information in CLI
  • Infrastructure to generate bindings for gz-msgs
  • Pybind11-based bindings for gz-transport and gz-msgs
  • Projector for Ogre
  • Automatic computation of moments of inertia for SDFormat links
  • Global illumination
  • Gazebo systems written in Python
  • Mimic constraint

Meeting details

:clock3: Date: 2023-09-27T17:00:00Z
:desktop_computer: Place: Virtual at Google Meet
:calendar: Event: Calendar event
:mag_right: Topic: Gazebo Harmonic
:spiral_notepad: Agenda: Everyone is welcome to add items to the agenda .

The meeting will be recorded and posted to Vimeo (Open Robotics). Check out the past meetings!

Be sure to subscribe to the Gazebo community calendar to receive invitations to the meeting every month.

See you there!

The Gazebo Dev Team


Recording below:


wow! this is a HUGGEEEE UPDATE!!!