Community Meeting: "Empowering Marine Autonomy: The Impact of Open Source Software"

Here’s our last meeting of the year, we’ll skip December! This time we’ll have a presentation about the journey of Team Aritra looking for marine autonomy.

Join us as we share how team Aritra utilized open-source tools - VRX, Gazebo, and ROS to enhance our maritime algorithm development. We’ll talk about how these open source software helped in our success in the Njord Challenge in Norway and how our participation in the VRX competition pushed our algorithm efficiency even further. We’ll explain how these user-friendly software platforms helped us create precise algorithms for real-life performance in challenging maritime environments. We’ll also discuss our future plans to use these tools to advance our research in real-life vessel and ship simulations. Be a part of our journey as we strive to innovate and shape the future of maritime technology.

Here’s the agenda:

  1. Latest Gazebo news - Addisu Tadesse (Intrinsic)

  2. “Empowering Marine Autonomy: The Impact of Open Source Software - Team Aritra’s Story”.
    Mohammed Ibrahim M, Amar Nath Singh, Akash V, Vallabh Deogaonkar.
    (Marine Autonomous Vessel Lab, Indian Institute of Technology Madras)

  3. Lighting talk: “Bridging the Gap Between Robot Simulation Tools in ROS 2 and Gazebo Sim” - Dharini Dutia, Intrinsic

We opened a slot for short (3 minutes) lighting presentations. If you’re interested in talking about your Gazebo project contact me (caguero AT openrobotics DOT org) and I’ll book your slot.

Meeting details

:clock3: Date: 2023-11-29T17:00:00Z
:desktop_computer: Place: Virtual at Google Meet
:calendar: Event: Calendar event
:mag_right: Topic: “Empowering Marine Autonomy: The Impact of Open Source Software - Team Aritra’s Story”
:spiral_notepad: Agenda: Everyone is welcome to add items to the agenda .

The meeting will be recorded and posted to Vimeo (Open Robotics). Check out the past meetings!

Be sure to subscribe to the Open Source Robotics Foundation official events calendar to receive invitations to the meeting every month.

See you there!

The Gazebo Dev Team