Community meeting: Testing Hardware Performance with Gazebo

Hello community,

Our next topic is an extended lighting talk about how to test hardware performance with Gazebo.

Here’s the agenda:

  1. Latest news from Open Robotics about Gazebo - Carlos Agüero, Honu Robotics
  2. Testing Hardware Performance with Gazebo - Benjamin Perseghetti, CEO Rudis Laboratories.

Optional: Lighting talks

We opened a slot for short (2 minutes) lighting presentations. If you’re interested in talking about your maritime project contact me (caguero AT honurobotics DOT com) and I’ll book your slot.

Meeting details

:clock3: Date: 2025-03-26T16:00:00Z
:desktop_computer: Place: Virtual at Google Meet
:calendar: Event: Calendar event
:mag_right: Topic: Gazebo
:spiral_notepad: Agenda: Everyone is welcome to add items to the agenda .

As always, the meeting will be recorded and posted to the community meetings playlist on the GazeboSim YouTube channel. Check out the playlist for past meetings!

Be sure to subscribe to the Gazebo community calendar to receive invitations to the meeting every month.

See you there!

The Gazebo Dev Team