I am fairly new to gazebo and I was wondering, will ROS2 Humble every recommend gazebo harmonic (or at least be compatible)? I understand gazebo harmonic just came out last month.
Or will I have to wait till ROS2 Jazzy (I think that is what it will be called) before I have a ROS2-gazebo combination that will allow me to use gazebo harmonic? (from what I understand with the release of gazebo harmonic there is some neat camera features that would really like to use them - but I need to be using ROS2 Humble)
Most combinations are supported, but always only one of them has binary packages available for the gz-ros bridge. And that’s Fortress for Humble. This will not change AFAIK. But you can install the bridge from source and that should (hopefully) give you the ability to use Harmonic.
Martin is right here only let me to “only one of them has binary packages available for the gz-ros bridge” a little “binary packages coming from the ros repository and fully integrated with the ROS distribution”.
I say this because for some combinations we do provide binary packages at packages.osrfoundation.org, see the non ROS official option in our ROS install page.
I am fairly new to gazebo and I was wondering, will ROS2 Humble every recommend gazebo harmonic (or at least be compatible)? I understand gazebo harmonic just came out last month.
To to the first question, will ever ROS 2 Humble recommend Gazebo Harmonic, the answer is no as Martin answered just above. To the second question: is at least compatible?. The answer since last week is: yes, you can use Humble + Harmonic building ros_gz from source. Thanks goes to @azeey that implemented the support for this combination. We do not have the “non ROS official binary packages” at this point although we could build them at some point in the future.
Reading this dialog, I’m confused , considering what I recently successfully installed gz sim and ros-gz from binaries on my Ubuntu 22.04 arm64 MAC Virtual Machine; From Terminal:
ubuntu@macvm-ub22h-r2:~$ gz sim --version
Gazebo Sim, version 8.0.0
Copyright (C) 2018 Open Source Robotics Foundation.
Released under the Apache 2.0 License.
Is this not a “Harmonic” installation?
ubuntu@macvm-ub22h-r2:~$ dpkg -l |grep ros-gz
ii ros-humble-ros-gz 0.244.11-1jammy.20231120.075848 arm64
Thank you for the clarification. Can you confirm my understanding is correct with these three points?
(1) Using gz-ros bridge is required for using gazebo and ROS together because it provides a bidirectional transport bridge between Gazebo Transport and ROS, allowing messages to be exchanged between the two systems.
(2) The ROS repository of each ROS distribution comes with its recommended binary packages for the gz-ros-bridge. So for ROS2 Humble, that would include the binary packages for gazebo fortress.
(3) If I want to use another version of gazebo with Ubuntu 22 ROS2 Humble I would need to get the binary packages for the gz-ros-bridge for that version of gazebo. So if I wanted to use gazebo garden, I would have to also install the “non ROS official binary package”
sudo apt install ros-humble-ros-gzgarden
And if I were to want to use ROS2 Humble and gazebo harmonic I would need to install from source because there is not a “non ROS official binary package” but someday there could be