Include an RGBD cam to my robot with humble and gz sim harmonic

Hello everyone :slight_smile:

I am trying to add an RGBD camera to my robot model. My setup is : ROS2 humble with gz harmonic.
Here what I have done so far to set up my simulation:

  • I created a robot.urdf.xacro file
  • I created a rgbd_camera.xacro where I attempt to configure a sensor of type RGBD
  • I created a using ros_gz_bridge to connect my gazebo sensors and plugins to ROS

However, at the moment, nothing is being published on the camera topics …

Could someone help me by explaining me how the rgbd_camera.xacro should be structured and how to properly configure the sensor ? Also, if needed, what is the name of the plugin I should use for this application ?

Thank you in advance!! :slight_smile:


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