List of community repositories for Gazebo Sim

I find, while implementing a project with Gazebo Sim, that I loose a lot of time on trivial things. E.g.:

  • I spent a great deal of time trying to write a working CMakeLists.txt file to compile a custom gz-sim system plugin, outside of the gz-sim source tree, until I finally realized that example files are in the ros_gz_project_template repository,
  • I again spent a great deal of time trying to write working CMakeLists.txt files to define custom messages in one package, and use them in another, unfortunately as of yet to no avail.

So I would like to compile a list of good example repositories that I can learn from.

Some googling lead to:

The latter is interesting, as it also holds gui plugins.

I have my own repositories here:

  • gazebo_addons
    • Intended to hold Gazebo Sim stuff that might be interesting to others (currently only a ‘waste bin’ plugin),
  • gazebo_assorted_tests
    • An archive of assorted tests, e.g. for functionality or in the context of reporting an issue, etc.

I’d be interested in possible other example repositories that you know of. E.g. I don’t know of a repository that defines custom message protos.

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There was quite a lot done for SubT challenge here: GitHub - osrf/subt: This repostory contains software for the virtual track of the DARPA SubT Challenge. Within this repository you will find Gazebo simulation assets, ROS interfaces, support scripts and plugins, and documentation needed to compete in the SubT Virtual Challenge. . Even a custom defined message. But I’m not sure how referential the code in this repo is.


Still took me a long time to get it to work, but I succeeded in compiling and exporting custom protobuf messages from a repository outside of gz-msgs.

I made a fully documented example repository, which can be found on GitHub here.

The MBZIRC Maritime Grand Challenge Simulator is another relevant repository for this list. It has multiple system plugins, e.g. a gripper plugin.

The aerostack2 repository also has simulation assets (drone models, sensor plugins, etc) for Gazebo Sim and Gazebo Classic.

Some more from ArduPilot:

Rhys and I spend a fair amount of time building up Gazebo and ArduPilot integration. We also try to re-use code.