GSoC 2019: Projects discussion

Dear gazebo community,

my name is Jens and I am a second year Robotics master student at the Technical University of Munich in Germany. I am interested in contributing to Gazebo through the GSoC program 2019 and specifically in the topics proposed as „Migrating Gazebo plugins to ROS2“ and „Gazebo visual plugin for RobotX competition“ which will primarily be in C++.

My main programming language is python but I am highly motivated to improve my C++ skills. I did a one larger project in C++ where we used ROS and different sensors to control an industrial robot. In python, I contributed to the networkx graph package and have >2 years of experience. Therefore, I would like to get some feedback if I, considering my background, should still aim to write a proposal for these C++ projects or better change to a python based project like the „Gazebo Developers Tool“. Maybe @chapulina or @caguero can give me some feedback?

Thank you!

Hi Jens,

Thank you for the interest in these projects!

For the “Gazebo + ROS 2” project, I recommend you take a look at some past pull requests like this one to get a sense of how much C++ you’d be writing. Note that the project is about porting code from an older version to a newer one, so you wouldn’t be starting from scratch, which is usually easier when using a new language.

So if you’re willing to take on the challenge, you’re very welcome :smile:


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I am Shivesh Khaitan from India and I am interested in contributing to OSRF GSoC 2019. This is regarding the “Migrating Gazebo plugins to ROS2” idea. Is this task limited to porting the existing plugins from ROS1 to ROS2 or are we also allowed to introduce some new plugins which may be helpful for the community?

Thank you.

Hi @shiveshkhaitan,

Thanks for the interest! You’re welcome to introduce new plugins as well, but it will depend on what they do and how much overlap there is with existing or portable plugins.


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Thanks for the tips, I will have a look at the code :slight_smile:

Hey Every One,

My Name is Anurag Sahu I am from India and I am Intrested in GSoC 2k19, I am from IIIT -Hyderabad, I have Experience in CV, Computer Graphics and 3D Game development have Developed 3 games, I would like to contribute to the OSRF, I work in Robotic Research Center @ IIITH,

I have the would like to Complete the task of Sensor Data Visualization. Pls give me a head Start.
