Gazebo Harmonic Plug-In for motor control

Hello all,
I am using gazebo Harmonic in 24.04 with ROS2 Jazzy. I want to run a UAV simulation - done - and I want to control the UAV directly with raw motor commands.
Is there a plug-in that can accept this type of message?

Thank you

I am using this:
<plugin filename="gz-sim-multicopter-motor-model-system" name="gz::sim::systems::MulticopterMotorModel">

and I managed to configure the ros_gz_bridge for bidirectional message exchange between ros2 and gz topics. I write to this topic using ros2 topic pub but the UAV does not turn the propellers or does anything.
Any ideas where to look next?


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Posting this for completion:

The answer is you have to include the correct mapping for the gz topic to ROS2

Then a ROS2 publisher in this topic works