I am a beginner, trying to get a differential drive robot to navigate around obstacles in Gazebo Harmonic. I have made a basic differential drive robot .urdf file which includes the following:
<plugin filename="gz-sim-diff-drive-system" name="gz::sim::systems::DiffDrive">
I believe this plugin should be publishing a /cmd_vel topic that I can use to command the robot’s velocity from some other node, e.g. a Nav2 node. However, when I check ros2 topic list
I don’t see a /cmd_vel topic published.
Some searching around led me to this post: ros2 - No /odom and /cmd_vel topics with diff_drive plugin - Robotics Stack Exchange
where the authors had a similar issue. However, their solution was to install
I am on Ubuntuu 24.04, so am using Jazzy, and my system cannot find ros-jazzy-gazebo-plugins.
Does anyone have any further advice on how to debug?