Community meeting: Tracked vehicles / PX4 Drones (Nov / Dec 2021)

Community meeting: Tracked vehicles / PX4 Drones (Nov / Dec 2021)

Hi, community! :ignition:

Given the end-of-year holidays, this time we’re combining the November and December meetings and holding the community meeting on the first week of December. The projects presented this meeting will sure keep you busy during the holidays :wink:

Tracked vehicles

Martin Pecka (@peci1 ) is a long-time contributor to Gazebo. One of his most notorious contributions is Gazebo classic’s tracked vehicles. During this meeting, Martin will go over his recent work to add tracked vehicle support to Ignition Gazebo, leveraging the flexibility of Ignition Physics. The new plugins also allow the simulation of conveyor belts. Here are some resources for you to check until the meeting:

Tracked vehicles

PX4 Autopilot

Jaeyoung Lim (@Jaeyoung-Lim) has recently worked on integrating the PX4 open source drone autopilot with Ignition Gazebo, and will be sharing his experience with us. This talk should be interesting for users wanting to use the autopilot, as well as users wanting to learn from Jaeyoung’s experience migrating from Gazebo classic to Ignition Gazebo. Here are some resources:


Meeting details

:clock3: Date: 2021-12-01T18:00:00Z

:desktop_computer: Place: Virtual at Google Meet

:calendar: Event: Ignition community calendar

:mag_right: Topic: Tracked vehicles / PX4 Autopilot

:spiral_notepad: Agenda: Everyone is welcome to add items to the agenda.

As always, the meeting will be recorded and posted to the community meetings playlist on the GazeboSim YouTube channel. Check out the playlist for past meetings!

Are you doing anything interesting with Gazebo? Show it off to the community! Send me a private message so we can figure out the best date.

Do you want to see some specific topic covered? Please comment below!

See you then!

:fire: The Ignition Dev Team :fire:


Here’s a link to the presentation about tracked vehicles: Tracked Vehicles in Gazebo! - Google Slides .

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Video will be available here shortly.

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