Be Gazebo possible to simulate omni-directional conveyor?

Hello everyone,
My English may not be very good, so please excuse me for that.

Currently, I am starting to learn about ROS2 and Gazebo. My goal is to simulate an omni-directional conveyor project (as shown in the image below). I am using omni-wheel clusters, with each cluster consisting of 3 wheels. This allows the conveyor to transport a box of goods in any desired direction.
So, I would like to ask if Gazebo is capable of simulating such a system?
From what I’ve researched, I will design the model in SolidWorks and export it as a URDF file to import into Gazebo. After that, algorithms such as pathfinding and motor control will be written in VS Code. I will use the Terminal on Ubuntu to deploy these programs and run the simulation with ROS.

Thanks for helping me.

I think that’s possible - may run a little slow though. IIRC these tables use mecanum wheels, and it’s possible to model the collisions of these directly in Gazebo (rather than just emulate them with a plugin and mecanum wheel visual). The table would then be a composition of left and right handed versions of these wheels. In this approach it may be easier to construct the model directly in SDF rather than export from solidworks, as it’s unlikely you would want to use the solidworks generated meshes for the physics.

An example mecanum wheel vehicle using this approach here: SITL_Models/Gazebo/models/omni4rover at master · ArduPilot/SITL_Models · GitHub