Solidworks URDF Exporter is incompatible with Gazebo sim

I am currently working on a Tilt Rotor Plane model in Solidworks and am encountering difficulties in converting it to a URDF file that is compatible with Gazebo.

The URDF Exporter I am utilizing does not appear to have native support for Gazebo Harmonic, which are crucial for accurately representing the tilt rotor mechanism in my model.

I have attempted to manually modify the generated URDF file to incorporate the necessary Gazebo Sim definitions, however, the model still fails to render correctly within RViz.

URDF files are not directly compatible with Gazebo. URDF is visualization-only format for RViz and other ROS tools. Gazebo works with SDF files. There is a tool, gz sdf, that can convert URDF files to SDF, but such files might need heavy editing before being compatible. The most important thing is to add some mass to all links in the URDF before doing the conversion.

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