New Releases 2023-05-31 (Citadel, Fortress, Garden)


  • Fortress/Garden: Additional convenience classes: Actor, Joint, Light, and Sensor. These classes provide a more object-oriented interface to the Entity Component Manager and would be familiar to Gazebo-classic users. We’ve also created tutorials on migrating the Actor, Joint, Light, and Sensor classes from gazebo classic

  • Garden: Gazebo now uses a more aggressive low-pass filter which makes the RTF display more stable and reflect the RTF of a longer window of time. gz-sim#1942

  • Fortress/Garden: Adds a simple camera FPS plugin to show the GUI camera’s framerate. gz-gui#523

  • Garden: The Reset button has been added to world_control. Note that you need to update your gui.config to match the new width of the world_control widget. Alternatively, you can remove ~/.gz/sim/7/gui.config and a new one will be created for you. SDFormat files that have <gui> tags will also need to be updated with the new width. gz-sim#476

  • Garden: Support for airspeed sensor has been added in gz-sim#1847

  • Garden: Support for bayer images to has been added to Ogre and Ogre2 in gz-rendering#838

  • Garden: Actuators message input for JointController, JointPositionController, Ackermann Steering. This adds the ability to control multiple joints with a single message. gz-sim#1953

  • Garden: Performance improvements to rendering sensors gz-sim#1938

  • Garden: Support for fluid added mass is complete gz-sim#1592

  • Citadel: The Resource Spawner load time has been significantly improved by fetching the model list asynchronously gz-sim#1962

  • Citadel/Fortress/Garden: Pass std::function by value to Node::Subscribe gz-transport#382. This allows users to pass lambdas directly to Node::Subscribe like so:

     transport::Node node;
     node.Subscribe([](const Foo& msg)
       // do something with msg
  • Garden: Fixed a bug in how fixed joints are handled when URDF files are converted to SDFormat sdformat#1238. libsdformat now also gives more specific warnings during conversion when it encounters links with no inertia or zero mass. A tutorial on the parameters that affect URDF->SDFormat conversion is now also available.


These are the minor and patch releases that came out since the previous post.

Gazebo Cmake 3.1.0, 3.2.0 and 3.2.1 (Garden)


Full changelog

  1. GzSetCompilerFlags: Fix detection of clang-cl

  2. Add support for adding cmake extras to packages

  3. Build examples using native CMake

  4. Add optional binary relocatability in downstream libraries

  5. Changes up to 2.17.0


Benjamin Perseghetti
Ian Chen
Jorge Perez
Jose Luis Rivero
Michael Carroll
Silvio Traversaro
Steve Peters

Gazebo Cmake 2.17.0 (Citadel and Fortress)


Full changelog

  1. Use CONFIG in gz_add_benchmark to avoid Windows collisions

  2. Fix FindAVDEVICE.cmake in case without pkg-config installed with ffmpeg >= 5.1


Jorge Perez
Jose Luis Rivero
Silvio Traversaro
Steve Peters

Gazebo Common 5.4.0 (Garden)


Full changelog

  1. Add support for bayer images to be saved in a directory

  2. Update common5 for bazel builds

  3. Fixed metalness/roughness in ASSIMP loader

  4. Fix Capsule mesh generation

  5. Changes up to 4.7.0


Addisu Z. Taddese
Alejandro Hernández Cordero
Ben Wolsieffer
Ian Chen
Konstantinos Chatzilygeroudis
Michael Carroll
Nate Koenig
Steve Peters
Tejal Ashwini Barnwal

Gazebo Common 4.7.0 (Fortress)


Full changelog

  1. Fix for ffmpeg v6

  2. Fixed MeshManager Singleton


Addisu Z. Taddese
Alejandro Hernández Cordero
Ben Wolsieffer
Konstantinos Chatzilygeroudis
Michael Carroll
Steve Peters

Gazebo Fuel-Tools 8.0.2 (Garden)


Full changelog

  1. Fix model downloads for URIs.

  2. Fix build when JSON_USE_EXCEPTION == 0

  3. Changes up to 7.2.2


Addisu Z. Taddese
Cristóbal Arroyo
Ian Chen
Nate Koenig
Steve Peters

Gazebo Fuel-Tools 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 (Fortress)


Full changelog

  1. Changes up-to 4.9.0


Addisu Z. Taddese
Cristóbal Arroyo
Nate Koenig
Steve Peters

Gazebo Fuel-Tools 4.8.1, 4.8.2, 4.8.3. and 4.9.0 (Citadel)


Full changelog

  1. Add bash completion

  2. Reflect pagination of RESTful requests in iterator API

  3. Support link referral download

  4. Allow Curl redirect on get.

  5. Fix model downloads for URIs.


Addisu Z. Taddese
Nate Koenig
Steve Peters

Gazebo Gui 7.1.0 and 7.2.0 (Garden)


Full changelog

  1. Add support for bayer images to get displayed in gazebo gui

  2. Apply low-pass filter to RTF display

  3. Added Reset button to world_control

  4. Tries to fix a scenario when a user sends a malformed point cloud

  5. Fix attribute update when <dialog> isn’t present

  6. Changes up to 6.8.0


Addisu Z. Taddese
Alejandro Hernández Cordero
Arjo Chakravarty
Ian Chen
Jenn Nguyen
Louise Poubel
Michael Carroll
Nate Koenig
Steve Peters
Tejal Ashwini Barnwal

Gazebo Gui 6.8.0 (Fortress)


Full changelog

  1. Add degree as an optional unit for rotation in GzPose.

  2. Update cmd/CMakeLists to conform with all other gz libraries.

  3. Add pointer check in Application::RemovePlugin.

  4. Add Camera FPS plugin.

  5. Fix data race issues in CameraTracking plugin.


Addisu Z. Taddese
Ian Chen
Jenn Nguyen
Louise Poubel
Nate Koenig
Steve Peters

Gazebo Math 6.14.0 (Citadel and Fortress)


Full changelog

  1. Disable pybind11 on windows by default

  2. Add option to skip pybind11 and SWIG

  3. Custom PID error rate


Addisu Z. Taddese
Michael Carroll
Nate Koenig
Steve Peters

Gazebo Msgs 9.3.0 and 9.4.0 (Garden)


Full changelog

  1. Support for bazel in garden

  2. Add entity wrench map

  3. Added airspeed sensor

  4. Fix cross-compilation workflow


Alejandro Hernández Cordero
Arjo Chakravarty
Carlos Agüero
Ian Chen
Michael Carroll
Rhys Mainwaring
Silvio Traversaro

Gazebo Physics 6.3.0, 6.3.1, 6.3.2, and 6.4.0 (Garden)


Full changelog

  1. dartsim: Add support for joints in worlds

  2. Bullet featherstone: Add JointTransmittedWrench for F-T sensor

  3. Support multiple collisions per link in bullet-featherstone

  4. Fix bullet related segfaults on macOS

  5. dartsim: Refactor entity addition logic in the EntityStorage class

  6. Fix a crash due to an invalid pointer

  7. Fix joint index used in bookkeeping

  8. Resolve joints in nested models

  9. Apply gravity external to dartsim for added mass

  10. Install the common test executables to libexec

  11. [bullet]: Fix how changed link poses are computed

  12. Changes up to 5.3.1


Addisu Z. Taddese
Aditya Pande
Alejandro Hernández Cordero
Louise Poubel
Michael Carroll
Nate Koenig
Rhys Mainwaring
Steve Peters

Gazebo Physics 5.3.1 (Fortress)


Full changelog

  1. Fix memory corruption due to faulty refcount tracking


Addisu Z. Taddese
Steve Peters

Gazebo Rendering 7.3.0, 7.3.1, and 7.4.0 (Garden)


Full changelog

  1. Add optional binary relocatability

  2. Add Projector

  3. Add support for bayer images to Ogre and Ogre2

  4. Fix requiring OpenGL on macOS

  5. Lower severity level for ogre2 visibility mask msgs and unavailable render passes

  6. Fix deleting ogre2 when created (and deleted) in a thread

  7. Add message to see troubleshooting page when render engine fails to create dummy window

  8. Limit max camera position vector length

  9. Cleanup GpuRays properly

  10. Ensure composite BaseVisuals are destroyed correctly.

  11. Mesh cleanup on destruction

  12. Fix gpu lidar memory leak [ogre2]

  13. Fix selecting semi-transparent visuals

  14. Fix Ogre2DepthCamera on macOS (Fortress)

  15. Add Heightmap integration test

  16. Restore GLX context after OGRE plugin loading finishes.

  17. Do not overwrite reserved visibility flags in ogre2

  18. Fix Metal shader compiler error in GpuRays (Lidar)

  19. Fix memory corruption in Ogre2GpuRays

  20. Enable ray heightmap ray query

  21. Fix RenderTarget::destroy not getting called in both ogre1 & ogre2

  22. Implement consistent Auto Aspect Ratio

  23. Fix bounding box for glbs

  24. Use proper sRGB conversion in DepthCamera

  25. Enable Heightmap Test for ogre2 & fix crash when using GpuRays camera

  26. Fix non-deterministic rendering due to background texture loading

  27. Fix lidar heightmap detection

  28. Changes up to 6.6.0


Alejandro Hernández Cordero
Ian Chen
Martin Pecka
Matias N. Goldberg
Michael Carroll
Nate Koenig
Rhys Mainwaring
Silvio Traversaro
Steve Peters
Tejal Ashwini Barnwal

Gazebo Rendering 6.6.0 (Fortress)


Full changelog

  1. Backport Composite BaseVisual destroy fix to 6

  2. Fix transparency over heightmap

  3. Fix duplicate PreRrender calls

  4. Changes up to 3.7.1


Alejandro Hernández Cordero
Ian Chen
Michael Carroll
Nate Koenig

Gazebo Rendering 3.7.1 (Citadel)


Full changelog

  1. Remove fini to resolve segfault at shutdown.


Nate Koenig

Gazebo Sensors 7.1.0 and 7.2.0 (Garden)


Full changelog

  1. Cleanup resources in CameraSensor destructor

  2. Added trigger to BoundingBoxCamera

  3. Clean up rendering resources

  4. Added Camera Info topic support for cameras

  5. Added airspeed sensor

  6. Set custom projection matrix based on intrinsics params from SDF

  7. Renamed ignition_frame_id to gz_frame_id and fix warning

  8. Update Camera Intrinsics in camera_info topic

  9. Changes up to 6.7.0


Addisu Z. Taddese
Aditya Pande
Alejandro Hernández Cordero
Ian Chen
Louise Poubel
Marq Rasmussen
Michael Carroll
Michel Hidalgo
Nate Koenig
Steve Peters
Valentina Vasco

Gazebo Sensors 6.7.0 (Fortress)


Full changelog

  1. Add optional optical frame id to camera sensors.

  2. Add support for 16 bit image format.

  3. Fix navsat frame id.

  4. CameraInfo is now published when there’s a CameraSensor subscriber.

  5. Add HasInfoConnections() method to expose infoPub.HasConnections() to
    child of CameraSensor class.


Alejandro Hernández Cordero
Ian Chen
Jenn Nguyen
Jorge Perez
Louise Poubel
Marq Rasmussen
Nate Koenig
Steve Peters

Gazebo Sim 7.3.0, 7.4.0, and 7.5.0 (Garden)


Full changelog

  1. Actuators message input for JointController, JointPositionController, Ackermann Steering

  2. Add missing cmake exports from core library

  3. Update sdf plugins to use actuator_number.

  4. Unload render engine when the sensors system exits

  5. Use GzSpinBox instead of IgnSpinBox in ViewAngle plugin.

  6. Add tutorial on migrating the Actor, Joint, and Light classes from gazebo classic

  7. Optimize render updates and use of thread mutexes in Sensors system

  8. Fix use of actors that only has trajectory animation

  9. Remove filtering from realtime factor (RTF) calculation

  10. Fix docker/

  11. Use a queue to track component registration from mulitiple sources

  12. Initialize services in ViewAngle constructor

  13. Add comment on center of buoyancy force

  14. Add convenience classes: Actor, Joint, Light, and Sensor

  15. Resolve inconsistent visibility on ign-gazebo6

  16. Fix formatting of error messages with large mesh file names

  17. Update all velocity and acceleration components of non-link entities

  18. Allow to change camera user hfov in camera_view plugin

  19. Added magnetometer value based on location

  20. Allow specifying initial simulation time with a CLI argument

  21. Add Joint class

  22. Added reset simulation tutorial

  23. Add SensorTopic component to rendering sensors

  24. Inherit material cast shadows property

  25. Remove actors from screen when they are supposed to

  26. Added airspeed sensor

  27. JointPosController: support nested joints

  28. Fluid added mass

  29. Add P gain value for Ackermann steering.

  30. Add orientation to Odom with covariance.


Addisu Z. Taddese
Alejandro Hernández Cordero
Anas Aamoum
Arjo Chakravarty
Benjamin Perseghetti
Carlos Agüero
Cristóbal Arroyo
El Jawad Alaa
Ian Chen
Jenn Nguyen
Joan Aguilar Mayans
Louise Poubel
Mabel Zhang
Matthew LeMay
Michael Carroll
Nate Koenig
Onur Berk Töre
Rhys Mainwaring
Steve Peters

Gazebo Sim 3.15.0 (Citadel)


Full changelog

  1. Speed up Resource Spawner load time by fetching model list asynchronously

  2. Fix loading wold with record topic

  3. Remove duplicate Fuel server used by ResourceSpawner

  4. Re-add namespace for GUI render event

  5. Fix QML warnings regarding binding loops

  6. Update documentation on UpdateInfo::realTime

  7. Remove plotIcon in Physics.qml for Component Inspector

  8. Added collection name to About Dialog

  9. Remove actors from screen when they are supposed to


Addisu Z. Taddese
Alejandro Hernández Cordero
Arjo Chakravarty
Ian Chen
Jenn Nguyen
Nate Koenig
Steve Peters

Gazebo Transport 12.2.0 (Garden)


Full changelog

  1. Support clang and std::filesystem

  2. Pass std::function by value to Node::Subscribe

  3. Prevent invoking callbacks after a node unsubscribes to a topic

  4. Fix CLI configuration install path to ignition

  5. Changes up to 11.4.0


Carlos Agüero
Ian Chen
Michael Carroll
Nate Koenig
Steve Peters

Gazebo Transport 11.4.0 (Fortress)


Full changelog

  1. Added Node::RequestRaw


Michael Carroll
Nate Koenig

SDFormat 13.3.0, 13.4.0, 13.4.1, and 13.5.0 (Garden)


Full changelog

  1. Added projector Python wrapper

  2. Added new error codes in Python

  3. Add missing element visualize in 1.9/light.sdf

  4. Add Projector DOM

  5. Update libsdformat APIs to use sdf::Errors parameters instead of printing errors to the console.

  6. Fix Element::Set method return value

  7. Add missing values in Surface ToElement method

  8. URDF->SDF handle links with no inertia or small mass

  9. Allowing relative paths in URDF

  10. Fix camera_info_topic default value

  11. Add support for merge-includes in worlds

  12. Backport the python3 embedSdf script variant

  13. Add missing sdf files from xsd generation

  14. Add airspeed sensor

  15. Warn child joint that resolves to world

  16. ParamPassing: sdfwarns to sdf::Errors when warnings policy set to sdf::EnforcementPolicy::ERR

  17. Camera: added HasLensProjection

  18. Change default camera_info_topic value to __default__

  19. Check JointAxis expressed-in values during Load

  20. Added camera info topic to Camera

  21. Fix static URDF models with fixed joints

  22. Changes up to 12.7.1


Aaron Chong
Addisu Z. Taddese
Alejandro Hernández Cordero
Ben Wolsieffer
Ian Chen
Liam Han
Marco A. Gutierrez
Michael Carroll
Nate Koenig
Robert Plante
Steve Peters
Tejal Ashwini Barnwal
Vít Ondruch

SDFormat 12.7.0 and 12.7.1 (Fortress)


Full changelog

  1. Fix camera info topic default value


Alejandro Hernández Cordero
Ben Wolsieffer
Ian Chen
Nate Koenig
Steve Peters
Vít Ondruch

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