Dear Gazebo community
I am Vishal, a 3rd year engineering student from Indian Institute of Information Technology, India.
I have a huge interest in robotics field and i am really excited to contribute in Ignition Robotics on-boarding guide.The documentation of Ignition needs to be revamped and produce documentation on libraries and various other topics including How to Introduce Ignition to newcomers: What is it? Who should use it? How does it work? Develop simple robot simulations etc.
I am very much interested in both robotics , I have knowledge about the simulating software, I felt that this project is the best choice for me to showcase it and produce effective results.
I really feel excited to contribute to open source community.I got a quick view of different libraries and tools and their uses.
It would be great if you tell what next should I do.
Thanks for your time.
Hi Vishal, great to see you’re interested in this project!
To clarify, the on-boarding guide focuses mostly on documenting “tools and tips used in development, how to contribute, code style and programming conventions”. The main audience will be other developers, so it will probably not answer questions like “What is it? Who should use it? How does it work”. Developing simulations is out of scope too since the majority of project focuses on documentation. But if you are more interested in producing documentation on libraries and explaining how things work, you should probably check out the other project GSoD · osrf/osrf_wiki Wiki · GitHub
Let me know which project is more aligned with your interest, then we can hash out some ideas for next step.
Thanks and sorry for the late reply.
I would really like to work on building the guide for the developers.
Please guide in what should I do next.
Waiting for your reply.
A useful next step would be to take a look at our current contributing guide and think about potential improvements to it. To get ideas started, maybe ask yourself what you would like to know more about if you are a new ignition developer. To get a sense of style and layout, you can refer to our current documentation.
A good proposal would demonstrate some recent technical writing experience, ability to efficiently communicate ideas and doc design that is logic and easy to follow. It’d be helpful to see in your proposal how you envision an on-boarding guide that fits those qualitative criteria.
I’d be happy to review the proposal once a draft is ready too
Thanks for the reply and guidance.
At present I don’t have any technical writing experience but being a technical student I’m well aware of the technical understanding needed to accomplish the the project.
I might be able to provide you some technical documentation during the proposal time by contributing it to your existing documentation which you can review.
Thanks for time and consideration.
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