Gazebo9 crash error for ARIAC2019 gazebo environment

We are doing some automatic tests for some ariac2019 compitition project, when we changing config file of the gear2019,we need close and restart ariac2019 gazebo environment many times,But we often meet a gazebo crash like this:

gzserver: /usr/include/boost/smart_ptr/enable_shared_from_this.hpp:51: boost::shared_ptr boost::enable_shared_from_this::shared_from_this() [with T = gazebo::transport::Node]: Assertion `p.get() == this’ failed.

This error result gazebo spawn model service can not start, we do not know what’s cause this error,please help.thinks!
this is ARIAC2019

Hi @whathty, I noticed that you’ve cross-posted your question in several places. I noticed these, but you may have posted in more places.

Please note that this is not the best way for you to get the answers you want. You didn’t even give time for the question to be answered in the different places. This kind of cross-posting is often perceived as spam, adds to the clutter in the inboxes of maintainers, and makes them more likely to ignore your question.

I’m closing this topic because this is not the correct place to ask this question. I hope you think twice before doing this in the future.