Gazebo on Manjaro

I’m having so much trouble installing Gazebo.

makepkg -si  :heavy_check_mark:
==> Making package: gazebo 11.10.2-3 (Sun 03 Jul 2022 08:09:44 PM CDT)
==> Checking runtime dependencies…
==> Installing missing dependencies…
[sudo] password for waterproofship:
error: target not found: libccd
error: target not found: ogre-1.9
error: target not found: sdformat-9
error: target not found: ignition-math>=6
error: target not found: ignition-transport-8
error: target not found: ignition-cmake>=2
error: target not found: ignition-common-3
error: target not found: ignition-fuel_tools-4
error: target not found: ignition-msgs-5
==> ERROR: ‘pacman’ failed to install missing dependencies.
==> Missing dependencies:
→ boost
→ freeimage
→ libccd
→ graphviz
→ ogre-1.9
→ sdformat-9
→ ignition-math>=6
→ ignition-transport-8
→ ignition-cmake>=2
→ ignition-common-3
→ ignition-fuel_tools-4
→ ignition-msgs-5
→ tinyxml2
→ qwt
==> Checking buildtime dependencies…
==> ERROR: Could not resolve all dependencies.

Could you elaborate on the steps you are using to install gazebo?

Git Clone AUR


makepkg -si

Not fully installing dependencies

I would urge you to use a AUR helper to install gazebo. yay has the best dependency resolution out of all helpers. paru is another one that I would recommend.