Cant install or running gazebo in docker

I tried to install Gazebo in docker and there is already a container for Gazebo, but at the stage:
$ export GAZEBO_MASTER_IP=$(docker inspect --format ‘{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}’ gazebo)
there is a problem with the output:
root@65c91eaa37a8:/# export GAZEBO_MASTER_IP=$(docker inspect --format ‘{{ ,Network
Settinggs.IPAddress }}’ gazebo)
bash: docker: command not found

what went wrong and what is the solution?

Sounds like u dont have docker installed?

bash: docker: command not found made me thought of that

Yes, but that command is run inside docker. This is normally supported via dind (docker in docker). So it ssems that either the instructions are wrong or the image is missing dind.

Which instructions are you following?