Shapes demonstration consistently crashes with mouse movement

I have seen powerful demonstrations of gazebo running under WSLg on Win 11. Install seemed fine, but I cannot get past the very first “shapes” demo, which requires “ign gazebo shapes.sdf --render-engine ogre” to run. At that point I get a GUI, but very little of it behaves intuitively (e.g. all objects disappear when mouse hovers over them), and the entire thing crashes by merely moving the mouse out of the rendered view, and back into it.

What sort of things in my install should I be checking?

It seems likely that this is an issue with dual graphics cards - there is both intel and nvidia… but there is no “prime-select” command available to switch between them, so something is missing…

This would be better suited as an issue at GitHub - gazebosim/gz-sim: Open source robotics simulator. The latest version of Gazebo. .

Generally, make sure that if you’re using NVidia cards, you have the binary non-free driver installed. You can also try installing VirtualGL and running gazebo as vglrun +v -d /dev/dri/card0 ign gazebo -v4 shapes.sdf --render-engine ogre. This will allow you to explicitly select the card used for rendering (card0 or card1).

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